definition,id,label """... Burroughs’ art books (several of which were co-authored) and catalogs of exhibitions of his art.""-Introduction.",,"ART BOOKS, EXHIBITION CATALOGUES, AND RELATED ITEMS" """... bibliographies and criticism of him [Burroughs]. Bibliographic and critical works are included only if issued as stand-alone publications, and only if they deal exclusively with Burroughs or if he is named in the title.""-Introduction.",,BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM """... biographies of, interviews with, and letters by Burroughs""-Introduction.",,"BIOGRAPHY, INTERVIEWS, AND LETTERS" """... Burroughs’ publications in book, broadside, and pamphlet form. Foreign titles are included only if they have no English-language analogue (e.g., A16) or represent the first publication of a particular title (e.g., A34a).""-Introduction.",,"BOOKS, BROADSIDES, AND PAMPHLETS" """... Burroughs’ many hundreds of contributions to periodicals.""-Introduction.",,CONTRIBUTIONS TO PERIODICALS """... foreign translations of Burroughs’ work.""-Introduction.",,FOREIGN TRANSLATIONS """... various miscellaneous items which, while most are not by Burroughs, are nevertheless relevant in and to his bibliography.""-Introduction.",,MISCELLANEOUS """... Burroughs’ own sound recordings, and his contributions to or appearances on those by others.""-Introduction.",,SOUND RECORDINGS "Works by and about William S. Burroughs, listed in Brian E.C. Schottlaender’s ""ANYTHING BUT ROUTINE: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography of William S. Burroughs v. 4.0""",,Schottlaender v4.0 """... the video formats in which Burroughs’ early film work has been made available, along with various of Burroughs’ readings and other Burroughs-related material that have also been made available as video recordings.""-Introduction.",,VIDEO RECORDINGS