definition,id,label """... the video formats in which Burroughs’ early film work has been made available, along with various of Burroughs’ readings and other Burroughs-related material that have also been made available as video recordings.""-Introduction.",,VIDEO RECORDINGS "Works by and about William S. Burroughs, listed in Brian E.C. Schottlaender’s ""ANYTHING BUT ROUTINE: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography of William S. Burroughs v. 4.0""",,Schottlaender v4.0 """... Burroughs’ own sound recordings, and his contributions to or appearances on those by others.""-Introduction.",,SOUND RECORDINGS """... various miscellaneous items which, while most are not by Burroughs, are nevertheless relevant in and to his bibliography.""-Introduction.",,MISCELLANEOUS """... foreign translations of Burroughs’ work.""-Introduction.",,FOREIGN TRANSLATIONS """... Burroughs’ many hundreds of contributions to periodicals.""-Introduction.",,CONTRIBUTIONS TO PERIODICALS """... Burroughs’ publications in book, broadside, and pamphlet form. Foreign titles are included only if they have no English-language analogue (e.g., A16) or represent the first publication of a particular title (e.g., A34a).""-Introduction.",,"BOOKS, BROADSIDES, AND PAMPHLETS" """... biographies of, interviews with, and letters by Burroughs""-Introduction.",,"BIOGRAPHY, INTERVIEWS, AND LETTERS" """... bibliographies and criticism of him [Burroughs]. Bibliographic and critical works are included only if issued as stand-alone publications, and only if they deal exclusively with Burroughs or if he is named in the title.""-Introduction.",,BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM """... Burroughs’ art books (several of which were co-authored) and catalogs of exhibitions of his art.""-Introduction.",,"ART BOOKS, EXHIBITION CATALOGUES, AND RELATED ITEMS"